Rosa ‘Alexander’

Family : Rosaceae

Class : Hybrid Tea

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza


English translation by Peter Thompson



Created in England by Harkness, it surpasses 2 metres in height; it has a bushy appearance, and therefore some classify it amongst the Shrub Roses.

Corollas with 25 orange-red petals, slightly perfumed.

Variety denomination : HARlex

Parentage :

Seed : ‘Tropicana’ (synonym of ‘Super Star’)

Pollen : ‘Ann Elizabeth’ × ‘Allgold’

Récompenses :

1972 - Royal National Rose Society : Certificate of Merit

1973 - Hamburg Gold Medal

1974 - Belfast Gold Medal

1987 - Royal National Rose Society : James Mason Medal

1993 - Royal Horticultural Society : Anerkannte Deutsche Rose

→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.

→ To appreciate the biodiversity of roses, please click here.