Family : Rosaceae
Class : Hybrid Tea

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Mario Beltramini
Hybrid Tea created in France by Meilland in 2002 and dedicated to André le Nôtre, architect of the Sun King, creator, inter alia, of the Gardens of Versailles.
This rose has been introduced in 2004 in USA with the name of ‘Betty White’, but is known, as often happens depending on the sale point, as ‘Fredrika Bremer’ and ‘Miriam Makeba’.
Shrub resistant to diseases, with dense foliage of medium green colour, semi-glossy. Usually 90 cm tall, may reach the 120 cm.
The large isolated double flowers, intensely perfumed, evoke the romantic look of the Old Roses, with 12-13 cm of diametre and about 65 pinkish petals darker at the centre.
Much remontant in garden and of good duration indoors as cut flower.
Variety denomination : MEIceppus
Parentage :
Seed : ‘ Pink Panther’ × ‘Charleston 88’
Pollen : ‘Yakimour’
Awards :
Gold medal at Rome and Courtrai, Perfume prize in Geneva, Madrid, Monza and Barcelona.
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
→ To appreciate the biodiversity of roses, please click here.