Family : Rosaceae
Class : Hybrid Tea

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Peter Thompson
Hybrid Tea created in France in 1993 by Meilland, and dedicated to H.R.H. the Princess of Hanover.
It is also known as ‘Cameo Cream’, ‘Marcellin Champagnat’ and ‘Sacred Heart’.
A rich flower comprising 40-45 slightly perfumed petals, cream-white as Her Highness had wished, and a perfectly shaped bud.
Variety denomination : MEIpierar
Parentage :
‘Chicago Peace’ × MEIchanso
‘Chicago Peace’ is a mutation of ‘Peace’, the renowned rose created by Meilland in 1942, which has also given origin to the roses ‘Grace de Monaco’, ‘Princesse de Monaco’ and ‘Stéphanie de Monaco’.
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
→ To appreciate the biodiversity of roses, please click here.