Family : Rosaceae
Class : Modern shrubby rose - English Rose Collection

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Mario Beltramini
Created in England in 2004 by David C. Austin, ‘Hide Hall’ is a vigourous and well ramified landscape variety reaching the 175 cm of height and 150 cm of breadth.
Dense foliage, opaque medium-green, and small clusters of flowers slightly scented. They barely exceed the 7 cm with about 51 petals and have a romantic look of yore as usually occurs in the English Roses.
Resistant to diseases and rapidly blooming with more cycles, is suitable for hedges and large bushes for shaping the garden.
Variety denomination : AUSbosky
Parentage :
Seed: ‘Graham Thomas’ × Seedling
Pollen: Seedling
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
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