Family : Rosaceae
Class : Modern shrubby rose

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Mario Beltramini
’Knock Out’ has been created in USA in 1999 by William J. Radler and introduced in France in 2001 by Meilland.
It is a landscape shrub variety tolerant of shade and that is content even of 3 hours per day only of direct sun, with thick glossy intense green foliage and many prickles. Exceptionally resistant to pollution and diseases that often render treatments and pesticides of no use.
It forms 60-70 cm tufts, that at times surpass the metre and disappear repeatedly under clusters of intense Bengal pink, almost fluorescent, with very stable colour.
Perfumed corollas that attract the butterflies, with 5-13 petals and 8-9 cm of diametre. Early bloom and then in bud, almost relentlessly, until the first frost.
Variety denomination : RADrazz
Parentage :
Seed : [ ‘Carefree Beauty’ × 〈 (‘Tampico’ × ‘Applejack’) × ‘Playboy’ 〉 ] x [ ‘Carefree Beauty’ × 〈 (‘Tampico’ × ‘Applejack’) × ‘Playboy’ 〉 ]
Pollen : ‘Razzle Dazzle’ × [ ‘Deep Purple’ × (‘Fabergé’ × ‘Eddie’s Crimson’) ]
Awards :
2000 – All-America Rose Selection
2001 – Modern Shrub Rose: Jackson County Rose Society Show – Modern Shrub Rose: Mount Diablo Rose Society Show
2002 – ADR Sorte
2003 – Australian National Rose Trials: Gold Medal
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
→ To appreciate the biodiversity of roses, please click here.