Family : Rosaceae
Class : Climbing hybrid of Rosa banksiae

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Mario Beltramini
‘Purezza’, created in Italy by Quinto Mansuino in 1961, is a vigourous climbing rose of yesteryear, that may surpass the 5 m of height.
Almost forgotten nowadays, despite the undeniable virtues, it has also the names ‘Rosa banksiae Purezza’, ‘Banksia the Purezza’ and ‘The Pearl’.
It is born from the crossing of a 1936 miniature rose, ‘Tom Thumb’, with a known botanical climbing rose: the Rosa banksiae f. lutescens.
Small leaves, glossy and dark, with exceptional resistance to diseases and pompon flowers without perfume of 3-4 cm of diametre, arranged in clusters, with about 12 white petals that seem made of cloth.
Prickless, tolerant of light, after a long May blooming is only partially and sporadically remontant.
By the season ending, in the warm climates, if there is a sudden temperature recovery after a good refreshment, it can be again in bud even by Christmas, but with some scattered small flowers: nothing comparable, alas, with a real blooming, as usually occurs with the modern roses.
Romantic landscape value, even leaning on an old tree, as shown in the picture.
Parentage :
‘Tom Thumb’ × Rosa banksiae f. lutescens
Awards :
1960 - Rome Gold Medal
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
→ To appreciate the biodiversity of roses, please click here.