Family : Rosaceae
Class : Modern shrubby rose - English Rose Collection

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Ignacio Barrionuevo
Austin’s English roses can be easily recognized by their particular romantic look, of older times, adding to it the remontancy, blooming repeatedly during their whole vegetative period.
That’s the case of ‘The Lark Ascending’, shrub landscape variety born in England in 2012 at David C. H. Austin’s nurseries and dedicated to a well-known music piece for violin and orchestra by the British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams.
A variety that can even be 150 cm tall and 100 cm wide, with a dark green foliage showing good resistance to diseases and very appropriate for garden modeling.
The flowers, 6-7 cm in diameter, are cupped, and bloom towards the sky, joined in clusters although relatively distant one to the other yielding a well-aired, never compact ensemble which emphasizes the charm. They show around twenty pastel apricot-coloured petals, well-arranged, with a light myrrh fragrance.
It is also a good decoration inside the house as a cut flower.
Variety denomination : AUSursula
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
→ To appreciate the biodiversity of roses, please click here.