Canis lupus familiaris – Smooth Collie

Family : Canidae

Text © Pietro Paolo Condò – Giudice Enci-fci


English translation by Mario Beltramini


Sweet look and proverbial intelligence © Giuseppe Mazza

Sweet look and proverbial intelligence © Giuseppe Mazza

Short-coated Scottish herding dog, often cast in the shade by its long-coated cousin, which, thanks to its sumptuous coat, is more showy and coaxing.

But also the Smooth Collie has its endowments which render it an excellent herding and companion dog.

Very well balanced and vigorous dogs, with a thick hair, very short, and a dense undercoat, the head is long, with the tip of its upright ears hanging ahead for one third of their length, this in order not to frighten the herd.

As a matter of fact, the upright ear, typical of the wolf, is cause of primordial alarm to the sheep.

Solid and straight-lined backbone, well angled limbs, tail long up to the fetlocks, front feet closer than the rear ones.

With a proverbial intelligence, of medium size, not too heavy, they do exist in three different coats: tricolour, sable and blue merle.

Very much appreciated in the Scandinavian countries, where specimen of a rare beauty reach the highest podia in the contests, they are getting appraisers also where, as a race, they are almost unknown. They respond well also in the field of the agility dog, discipline where, in order to excel, it is compulsory to be handsome and reactive.

They keep the same sweetness and the dreaming glance of the long-coated collie, as well as a strong protective instinct towards the children.


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